


Sahara further plans to expand and improve Pakistan’s educational institutions for marginalized communities. We would begin skill development programs to empower individuals with skills for economic self-sufficiency. This will help the poor to attain lifelong skills, which will help them enhance their future and escape vicious poverty traps threatening to prevent them from reaching their full potential.

We believe every child has the right to education, so that their past and background is insignificant when compared to the extent of their knowledge and virtue. It is said in Surah Baqarah, “He grants wisdom to whom He pleases; and he to whom wisdom is granted indeed receives a benefit overflowing; but none will grasp the Message but people of understanding.”

Key Reasons to Support Sahara for Life Trust:

Sahara for Life Trust has a track record of successfully implementing projects that bring about tangible and positive changes in the lives of individuals and communities. From healthcare initiatives to education programs, Sahara has consistently made a meaningful impact. SAHARA Medical College entertains a class of 100 medical students from 2015-16. A new mega project is SAHARA Cancer Hospital Narowal, it has been functional from 2020-21 for the provision of chemotherapy & other comprehensive treatment. The SAHARA College Narowal project of SLT was established in 2018. “Sughra Shafi Medical Complex Narowal”, is providing state of art healthcare facilities to more than 05 million population in remote areas. All medical and surgical services including emergencies are offered 24/7 and 5.7 million patients have been treated so far on a free-of-cost basis by considering all “Quality of Health Care standards

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